Friday, August 2, 2013

Step 9

Step 9  Avoid the foods that have been contaminated and plan a diet of radiation-free foods.

ステップ9 汚染が確認されている食物を避け、放射能の含まれていない食生活を計画しましょう。

What to Avoid

Our North American food supply has been compromised from the disaster at Fukushima, Japan. There has not been a lot of food monitoring by official sources but we know that:

1. the EPA and UC Berkeley have found San Francisco milk to be well above the Maximum Contamination Level. Many people have eliminated dairy from their diet to be on the safe side.

2. Potrblog has detected many radioisotopes in USDA beef. You may want to think twice before eating US beef. 

3. the ocean is contaminated. 100% of the California blue fin tuna were found to contain radioactive Cesium. Even Atlantic fish have been found to be contaminated with Cesium 134 from Fukushima.  So avoid avoid all seafood such as seaweed, salmon and tuna.

4. Radioactivity “bio-accumulates” up the food chain in the air-water-grass-cow-milk-cycle, so you are more likely to find it higher up the food chain. But this is not always the case. There are exceptions to this general rule. For example, mushrooms concentrate radioactivity and they are low on the food chain.

5. Many food items in Japan have been contaminated.  It may be simply easier to avoid foods imported from Japan.

But if you do eat foods imported from Japan, click onto this link below to understand more about the foods that are contaminated there.

6. Japan has started exporting food to Thailand and Malaysia so it might be best to avoid foods imported from these countries as well.

So, it may be reasonable to consider cutting back on dairy and beef, avoid mushrooms and seafood and foods imported from Japan, Thailand and Malaysia. Then is it a matter of keeping up with the news and staying aware of specific foods that have been found contaminated in other countries.

Click here to see A list of the foods that so far have been found to be radioactive and you may want to consider avoiding.

What to include

Choosing our foods can’t be just about what to avoid – we have to have a plan about what to include in our diet to stay healthy.

Until the government starts to test our food on a regular basis, we have to decide what is best to eat based on limited data. Here is a simple guideline to follow.

1.   We know that the fallout has circled the northern hemisphere so, if possible, choose items from the southern hemisphere like New Zealand lamb and beef, Australian oranges, New Zealand apples, South American fruits and vegetables and Chilean wines.

2.   We know that we have found Strontium 90 in our local milk.  You may want to consider soy milk instead of dairy milk but be sure it is organic in order to avoid the GMO's. This is especially important for pregnant and breast feeding women as well as young children.

3.   As radiation can come down in the rain, it is a good idea to grow some vegetables inside. You can order an Aerogarden and grow your own herbs, salad greens and tomatoes indoors.  Buy sprouting seeds from and sprout a variety of additions to your salads and sandwiches. As well, it is possible to find a lot of greenhouse grown vegetables in the supermarket these days. 
放射能は雨とともに振ってくる可能性があるので、野菜を屋内で育てるのもよい考えです。Aerogarden で注文し、ハーブ、葉物、トマトなどを屋内で育てられます。発芽種は から購入できます。サラダやサンドウィッチにいろいろなものを加えてください。 また、最近では温室で育った野菜がスーパーで沢山見つけられます。

4.   We know that radioactivity bio accumulates up the food chain from the air-soil-grass-hay-cow-milk chain.  So eat low on the food chain i.e. legumes, fruits and vegetables, soy milk, tofu and grains instead of a meat and dairy based diet.

Tips on Food Preparation

Always wash your fruits and vegetables well. After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the German Department of Environmental Protection recommended that everyone soak their fruits and vegetables in a solution of zeolite or bentonite for five minutes, agitate the water, shake out the water, wash again with filtered water and rinse again with filtered water.  This was in an effort to rinse away the radioactive fallout that landed on the fresh fruits and vegetables.

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