Friday, August 2, 2013

Step 15

Ask WHY you have to do all these steps.
The answer is simply because the nuclear industry, supported by enormous subsidies from the government, wants to keep making millions of dollars of profits from their nuclear reactors. But when something goes wrong (as it surely has and will again), they will contaminate the environment, depress people’s immune systems, cause cancer, heart attacks, birth defects etc etc and make everyone’s lives miserable and shorter. One very bad day at a nuclear power plant (a meltdown) will spread radioactive material around the world in the jet stream and in the oceans and make all our food, air and water contaminated and the land uninhabitable for thousands and thousands of years. 

We have just witnessed this. To pretend that this didn’t happen is irresponsible. To pretend that this will not happen again is irresponsible. To allow this to happen again is irresponsible. To believe that nuclear power is safe is irresponsible. If ever one is unsure if nuclear power is safe just ask the people of Fukushima or Chernobyl how safe is nuclear power.  


So rather than disturb your life, have to monitor your air, food and water, buy duct tape, plastic, filters, radiation detectors ,have to keep a steady stock of food, masks, supplements, watch where you food comes from, get visas and keep visas up to date, make evacuation plans, …….the list goes on and on and on as you have seen, join a local group that is working to CLOSE DOWN a NUCLEAR REACTOR – we only have to close down 400+ reactors and then figure out what to do with the incredible amount of highly radioactive waste that is sitting all over our planet with no place to put it, and then we could sit back and start enjoying our lives and not have to worry and stress over a NUCLEAR PREPAREDNESS PLAN. Get involved now. Get active today or radio- active tomorrow.  


In B.C., the state of Washington and Oregon, the only reactor remaining is on the Hanford Reservation in South Eastern Washington. 

Most people are surprised to learn that there is a nuclear reactor in Washington state. 

But just 160 miles as the crow flies from Portland and Seattle is a nuclear power reactor that is the same type of flawed Boiling Water Reactor that failed three times in Japan. It used to be called WPPSS 2 but was renamed the Columbia Generating Station, in a nuclear industry marketing effort to make the reactor sound innocuous.

Bob Alvarez, senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, has stated that if the reactor explodes and its highly radioactive fuel pool collapses, then the fallout would be WORSE than Chernobyl or Fukushima!

And the reactor could explode and meltdown.  It is:

-  aging

- Holding 1,900,000 pounds of highly radioactive fuel in both the reactor core and the elevated fuel storage pool.

-  needs literally millions of dollars in repairs and upgrades according to it’s operator’s upcoming budget

-   is not designed to withstand the earthquake geologists now know it could get. Many seismic faults have recently been discovered in the immediate vicinity of this reactor.  The distinct signatures and dates of Many previous earthquakes have been discovered in this region.  Those faults and the consequences of ground shaking could have a severe impact on this nuclear reactor if the information is ignored.
 地質学者には今では起こりうるとわかった地震に耐えられるように設計されていない。 最近原子炉のすぐ近くに多くの断層が見つかった。 以前起こった地震の明確な印と日付がこの地域で発見された。もし、この情報が蒸しされれば、これらの断層と地面が揺れたときの結果は、深刻な影響を原子炉に及ぼす。

-   is at risk from flooding if the aging Grand Coulee dam breaks in an earthquake or terrorist attack. When the Grand Coulee dam breaks it will hit the nearby city of Richland with a 15 foot tall wall of water– wiping out local infrastructure and disabling the region’s ability to assist the plant in this emergency
 地震やテロリストの攻撃で、老朽したしたグランドクーリーダムが崩壊したら、洪水の危険性がある。 近郊のリッチランド市に15フィートの高さの水が押し寄せ打撃を与えます。地域のインフラを流し、この非常時に原発を支える機能をだめにしてしまいます。       

-   has an uncontained highly radioactive vulnerable used fuel pool sitting 5 stories up, outside the reactor
-   is vulnerable to terrorist attacks and not designed to withstand a plane flying into it
-   is at risk of losing it’s electrical grid cooling power through rats (as recently happened at Fukushima) or solar flares (which are predicted to be at the highest levels ever in 2013)

-  has a containment (really just a reactor container) that was proven (3 times at Fukushima) to be too small and too weak

-   has no vents if hydrogen builds up –( leading to explosions like we saw in Japan )and has not been ordered to install vents until 2016

-   even without an accident, the reactor “vents, purges and releases” huge amounts of radioactivity into the atmosphere, into the water and onto the land every year

-   has had many emergency shutdowns and 2 near misses.

And to make matters worse, this Columbia Reactor is situated on the Hanford Reservation that is -- the most contaminated nuclear site in the U.S...

The K basins on the Hanford Reservation are close to CGS. The semi- liquid radioactive fuel called crud in the K basins is so radioactive and if the pool cracks and drains and it would just take minute (not hours or days) for a fire to break out, a radioactive plume to rise and make it impossible for any workers to attend to the crucial work at CGS .
ハンフォード施設にあるKべースン(貯蔵場)はコロンビア原発の近くにあります。 Kベースンの中の半液体状の放射性燃料沈殿物はあまりにも放射能レベルが高く、もしプールにひびが入って流れ出したら、発火するのには分単位しかかからないでしょう。(何時間とか何日とかではなく)そして、放射性プルームを起こし、どんな作業員が原発で致命的な作業をに携われなくなるでしょう。

The B plant on the Hanford Reservation, near CGS has the largest concentration on earth of Strontium 90 and Cesium 137 that is in capsules, more radioactive than spent fuel, in a 50 year old pool with NO safety backups and No pretense of containment. This pool will not even withstand a mild earthquake.

The K Basins, the B plant and the 56 million gallons in the radioactive water tanks could all release radioactivity in an earthquake. They will not only contaminate the entire Pacific Northwest but also will cause workers to abandon the nuclear reactor which will then explode and meltdown as well.

The Oregon and Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility have formed a task force with the aim of closing the nuclear reactor. The task force has a leader, Chuck Johnson, and many extremely concerned citizens in Washington, Oregon and British Columbia.

In the last 9 months, the task force has:

-  studied the situation, brought in experts and attended conferences in order to gain accurate information

-  formed  a strategy for how to shut down the reactor

-  hired a researcher to find out all the problems at the nuclear power reactor itself.  His first article in a series was recently published

and shows that right from the start the engineers knew that this type of reactor had problems.

-  hired an economist who has determined that it will be less expensive to use renewable energy than nuclear power.

-  researched and created several compelling presentations

A key point is that 3.9% of all the power in Washington state comes from the nuclear reactor. There are lots of wind turbines, solar farms and hydro electric dams in Washington State. Increase those a bit and add some conservation, it will be a simple matter to live without the nuclear power. The nuclear plant is not needed.

We can show that the reactor is a danger to the region.

We can demonstrate that the reactor is more costly to run than renewable energy sources.

We can show how dangerous nuclear contamination is to the health of every person down wind ( and Fukushima and Chernobyl has taught us that we are all downwind).

We can show that it is simply not worth taking the risk that thousands of square miles of land would become uninhabitable if there were a catastrophe at the this reactor.

We can point out that it would not be worth the risk of losing the salmon, or the 9 billion annual dollars worth of fruits, vegetables and hops that are produced by the region.

Even the ex-chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory Jaczko has recently said that the current fleet of operating plants in the US should be phased out because regulators can’t guarantee against an accident causing widespread land contamination.

It is simple to show that we don’t need the nuclear reactor and we certainly don’t need to take the risk.

But it is not a simple matter to educate the public and the public utility districts as to the need to close down the reactor. And that’s because it will take more than 20 people to get the word out.

The task force is now establishing a Coalition of groups to help with this part of the project:

“The coalition is dedicated to closing the Columbia Generating Station and replacing the nuclear power output with energy efficiency and renewable energy”.

We can’t do it alone.  We need your help.  Please join us in our effort to keep our region safe and healthy and a wonderful place to live.

GET INVOVLVED – JOIN UP!!! WORK TO END THIS NUCLEAR DEATH OF THE PLANET. It will be a lot of work – but what better way to spend your time so that future generations will be able to thrive.

For more information or to get involved in this work, please contact Chuck Johnson at 503-777-2794 at the Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility.

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. 
Albert Einstein 

 ・・・ アルバート・アインシュタイン

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