Think about where you live now.
Are you within 100 miles of a nuclear power plant? Even if it is simply working “normally” and not melting down, it is giving off radioactivity.
As well, during refueling, the pressure vessels must be opened releasing huge volumes of radioactive gases – Studies have shown that children who live within 50 kms of a reactor have a higher incidence of leukemia. Women who live within 100 miles of a nuclear plant have a higher risk of dying of breast cancer.
So think about where you live – be sure you are not downstream, downwind or close to a nuclear power plant.
200 Mile Zones around US Nuclear Plants
If you want to be really pro-active, consider moving as far away from your local nuclear reactor as is possible.
If you choose to live close to a nuclear power plant, it is important to know how to quickly find out which direction the winds are blowing at any time so that if there is a serious event, you can find out easily and, if you choose to leave your home and evacuate, you will not be driving into the radioactive plume.
It might be a good idea to have a weather vane or a windsock in a place that is visible from your house.
There are weather websites that constantly update your local wind direction report – find the best one for you now and learn how to “read” the winds.
One of the good sites for weather and wind direction is:
Click picture to open the website. Select continent, country and province and date/time of forecast that you want to see. If you click the red spot then you can see further weather and wind forecast for that area.
地図をクリックするとウェブサイトが開きます。大陸、国、州、自分の知りたい予報日時を選んでください。 赤い点をくりっくすると、その地域の更に詳しい天候情報が見られます。
Wind direction is reported by the direction from which it originates. So if you read or hear that the wind is SE, and you are in Vancouver , you can be sure that the wind is coming up from the South East corner of Washington State i.e. coming from the Columbia Generating Station nuclear power plant.
There is a chance that it will be a storm and an electricity black out that will cause the problem at the nuclear power plant, so be sure to buy a hand-crank emergency radio and learn which channel will give you weather and wind directions on a regular basis. In Vancouver , the Weather Band 2 on your emergency radio has wind directions on channel 162.42
嵐だったり、停電になり、それが原発に問題を起こすこともあるでしょうから、緊急用手巻きラジオを購入しておきましょう。また、天気と風向きを定期的に伝えてくれるチェンネルを知っておきましょう。 バンクーバーでは、緊急ラジオのWB2、162.42チャンネルが風向きを知らせています。
If you choose to live close to a nuclear power reactor, the following are things you have to think about:
Be sure you:
-know where the local evacuation centre is.
-know the local traffic patterns and figure out ahead of time how you would get out of the area if everyone in your community got on the roads to evacuate at the same time.
-find out if your community has a concrete and feasible evacuation plan established.
These radioactive plumes from severe nuclear accidents were calculated by NRDC based on the actual weather patterns of March 11-12, 2011. The result on any given day will vary according to the type of reactor accident and on the prevailing weather patterns at the time.
(1rad =0.01 Gy/Sv =100mSv)
-find out what kind of compensation is planned for if a major accident will force you away from your home permanently.
- Talk to your insurance company – chances are 100% that your insurance will not cover any loss through radiation contamination.
-figure out how to save your pets and livestock.
Remember, you have to keep yourself informed daily as to what is happening – in an emergency there is a good chance you will not be informed quickly enough to help you evacuate properly. Know that you have only yourself to count on.
Accept now, that if you live near a nuclear power plant and there is a serious event, you will lose your land, your home, possibly your animals and all the money that you have tied up in your property.
Accept now that if you lose your home, there will be very little compensation and there will be no insurance coverage.
Accept now that if your job is close to the plant, you could lose your employment as well.
Accept now that a serious event will cause enormous stress to you and your family. After Fukushima there were many separations.
So, THINK about where you live now and decide if it’s the best place to be. This thought process has to be carried out before any disaster occurs and while you have the luxury of time to make an informed decision.
Pacific Nuclear Awareness Group
(Japanese translation is done by a Vancouver Food Raditaion Monitoring Volunteer)
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