Friday, August 2, 2013

Step 3

THINK about what you learn.

Warren Buffett, the legendary investor and one of the wealthiest men in the world, has attributed his success to“intellectual persistence, prudent thinking and the ability to see and act on warning signs.”
Following mainstream news or the vast majority of the crowd will not get you out of the next disaster in good shape.
We need to accept that no one else is going to tell us what to do. We all need to think about everything we read in "Keep Yourself Informed" and think for ourselves.
私たちは、何をすればよいのかを他の誰も教えてくれないということを受止める必要があります。私たちは皆、「Keep Yourself Informed」からの読んだ情報を全て考え、自分たち自信のために考察する必要があります。
We need to decide for ourselves what it all means.
We have to find the truth in the overwhelming information out there.
For example, when you hear that the government says there is "no immediate threat to health" then you have at least one warning sign. That kind of reassurance from a government that is controlled by the nuclear industry, sells nuclear materials and stands to lose money if the nuclear industry ends, is an empty reassurance. Unless there is a very high level of radiation causing immediate death, then of course there is no immediate threat to health. But there is definitely a longer term threat. The fact that they don’t tell this to the public means they are covering something up and are not warning you. And that is because they have something to lose if the public starts to believe nuclear power is not safe.

Here is a typical example still happening in Japan.

Press conference by Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano

Power plant went out of control, and fuel rods were exposed. One worker died and two missing.
"There is No immediate problem."
No. 1 reactor exploded. 4 workers got injured.
"There is No immediate problem." 
No. 3 reactor exploded. 11 workers and evacuees were exposed to radiation.
"There is No immediate problem."
No. 2 exploded! No.4 also exploded!
"There is No immediate problem."
PM Kan sent a helicopter to dump water, but they totally missed the target.
"There is No immediate problem."
A squad brought a high pressure water tank truck, but gave up and returned right away.
 "There is No immediate problem."

The Defense Force sprayed water but the water did not go in. 
"There is No immediate problem.

Radioactive materials were detected in vegetable and milk in Fukushima.

"There is No immediate health risk."

Higher level of radioactive Iodine than allowable limit for infant was detected in drinking water in Tokyo
"There is No immediate health risk."

I131 and Cs were detected in Yamagata, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama prefectures, and I131 was detected in Iwate, Akita,Fukushima, Chiba, Kanagawa, Niigata, Yamanashi prefectures.
"There is No immediate problem."
Radioactive materials were detected in vegetables from Chiba, Gunma, Ibaraki, Tochigi prefectures!
"There is No immediate health risk."

Three TEPCO contract workers were exposed to high level of radiation, and two of them who’s feet were soaked in radioactive water were brought to National Institute of Radiological Sciences.

"There is No immediate problem."

1250 times higher radioactive Iodine was detected in sea water from Fukushima!

"There is No immediate problem."

It will always be safer to rely on information given out by someone who has nothing to gain from his/her statement. I would believe Arnie Gunderson of Fairewinds and Associates, Dr.Helen Caldicott Hiroaki Koide or Dr. Shuntaro Hida over something a government agency said.

As you study the nuclear news and learn who is who, you will find who stands to benefit from statements and who has nothing to gain. That will help you in your decisions.

Studying the history of all the nuclear disasters in the world will also tell you a great deal and let you understand any new catastrophe with the perspective of what happened and how people were affected– both in the short term and in the long term. Reading about how governments dealt with previous disasters will clarify that they are continuing in the same manner with a new catastrophe.

A couple of links to help you study past disasters, give some perspective, and provide a jumping off point for further research:
When, with continuous reading and information gathering, the warning signs are loud and clear to us, only then we will be able to decide what actions to take.

Pacific Nuclear Awareness Group
(Japanese translation is done by a Vancouver Food Raditaion Monitoring Volunteer)

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