Decide If and When to Evacuate
Now you have the short term items decided, you have to make the big decision that, if the event were huge, you have to decide whether or not you would evacuate for a long time. Only you can decide if you “stay or go.”
Some considerations about evacuating
The older you are, the less adverse effects you will have from radiation. Radiation induced cancers in adults can take 5 to 20 years to develop. You may decide you are too old to move or that you will take your chances with the increased risk for cancer. Radiation has also been found to depress the immune system and affect the heart. Keep these facts in mind as you make your decision.
Children, however, are in a different situation. They are extremely sensitive to radiation. In Japan , a significant number of the children showed thyroid problems about one year after the disaster– something that, after the Chernobyl catastrophe, didn’t show up for another few years at least. This may show what a huge dose of radiation the Japanese children received. So, if you have children, you need to take extremely seriously the question of evacuation. Ideally Children should be evacuated to clean areas immediately.
The unborn baby is the most susceptible to radiation. If you are pregnant, it is extremely important not to stay in a contaminated area. Exposure to radiation can cause birth abnormalities.
Initially after Fukushima some people on the Berkeley Nuclear Engineer blog declared that they were not going to wait to see how badly the situation was going to be and they evacuated to Patagonia in South America right away.
Rod Marining, co-founder of Greenpeace, moved his family from the Sunshine Coast to the inland Cariboo area – to be away from the coastal fallout and most importantly to provide them with clean well water.
Many people have stayed on the coast and watched, monitored, studied, got themselves prepared to deal with radiation (see steps#1-11) and are still waiting to see if the situation gets worse with Fukushima Daiichii Reactor’ Unit #4 Spent Fuel Pool before they make the move.
多くの人が海岸沿いに留まり、監視し、モニタリングし、勉強し、放射能と取り組むために準備してきました。(ステップ1-11) そしてまだ多くの人が、行動を起こす前に福島第一原発の使用済み燃料プールの状況が悪化していないかの様子を見て待機しています。
Some older people are taking on the responsibility for their extended families and studying the Southern Hemisphere and even going to check out areas to figure out a place the entire family could evacuate to if Fukushima got worse, or if a U.S. or Canadian reactor melted down, creating a Fukushima closer to home. Probably one of the greatest gifts the older generation can give to the younger generation is to find a place to go to in the event of the next nuclear catastrophe. You could consider this your gift to the future genetic health of your family lineage.
Having watched the distress of the Japanese who had nowhere to go, it has become evident that many Japanese people would surely have evacuated to safer and cleaner countries if they had had a pre-planned place to go.
Always remember it’s not easy to decide when it’s time to leave. The day of the disaster will be the same as any other day – it’s so important to put yourself in the situation and visualize that the day will look like any other day. You cannot feel radiation, you cannot hear radiation, you cannot see radiation and you cannot smell radiation. (Some people, however, do say they can taste the metallic taste of fallout). You will look outside and nothing will be any different.
Libby Levy of Nuclear Hotseat has a fascinating story to tell of how she was 1 mile from Three Mile Island in 1979 when it had it’s partial meltdown and it took her three days before she understood that it was time to evacuate the area. The link is below, scroll down to the March 24, 2010 video that she recorded just before the 31st anniversary of the Three Mile Island disaster and see her tell her story.
But by the time she evacuated, it was too late. She had been exposed to the radioactive plume from the disaster site. She subsequently decided not to have any children and so she says her “children died at Three Mile Island ”.
But the difference is that you are now checking the nuclear news sources every day so you have a much better chance of realizing if a nuclear catastrophe has happened and if it is time to put your evacuation plans in place asap.
If the event is at Fukushima Daiichi, decide now what the warnings of “it will be a matter of human survival” mean.
What does “85 times Chernobyl ” mean? Study “Chernobyl-Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment” by Yablokov, Nesterenko and Nesterenko published by the National Academy of Science (see Appendix E for where to buy). Decide now if you would be willing to live in an area where “you cannot find a healthy child”. Watch Chernobyl Heart and the Children of Chernobyl .
Dr. Helen Caldicott has stated that if Unit #4 goes, she will evacuate her family in Boston to Australia on the same DAY!
This following statement by Rod Marining, co-founder of Greenpeace International had a sobering effect on everyone he sent it to:
Yesterday, I took stock, that is, I decided my health is my most precious asset I have.
I looked at all my credit cards and bank accounts and asked myself how much cash could I get in my hands in 24 hours, if I had to? I will then say to my daughters and their families, here are your plane tickets.
If Reactor 4 building collapses, I must be ready to leave. We have at the most, 8 days before the wave of deadly radiation hits the West Coast.
I will be leaving for Australia and New Zealand . I will be applying for New Zealand resident.
I don't think that the public will be doing the same, as they are in denial that their health is under serious threat. This will make it easy for those who are aware, but slow and need more time to get their lives together in order to leave.
Like when the Titanic began to sink, there was a calm at first, but ,as the passengers realized that there was limited space on the lifeboats, panic will set in. Why panic, well I'm talking about 4 billion passengers...there are only so many planes. So many places to escape to. Pilots also have families too.
The Northern hemisphere is doomed, if Reactor 4 building collapses. Many very intelligent scientists have stated such. I would encourage all to prepare for this possible event, and think about a lifeboat to safety.
Rod Marining
May 20th, 2012
If it’s the nuclear reactor at Hanford in Washington state, that melts down, that fallout will go into the jetstream and all around the northern hemisphere too . From the Colorado fires in 2011, we have learned that the plume can come straight up from the south east to the B.C. area too.
How to decide where to do
Think about “where to go” now – you won’t have time to think about it clearly when the time comes, and you won’t have time to make the plans, buy your Geiger counter, buy your water and air filters, get your masks, buy the anti-radiation supplements, get the visas, etc etc when the time comes. You have the luxury of time right now to PREPARE, so use this time wisely.
Take our vacation time this year to check out a country in the Southern Hemisphere that you like the most. We would all probably prefer to stay here in the Northern Hemisphere, but if 85X Chernobyl is truly “uninhabitable”, it will be much less traumatic to already have our NUCLEAR PREPAREDNESS steps in place and even know where we are going to and how we are going to get there.
If you decide to evacuate, then you need to have the plan in place now.
1. Get a valid passport
The first thing you need is to have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months. Set up a spreadsheet and make sure that everyone in your family has a valid passport. This sounds like a simple thing, but you would be surprised at how long this detail can take to get everyone on board.
Note: If a nuclear accident happens and you don’t have a valid Canadian passport, you can travel across Canada to Toronto, and fly from Toronto to the Turks and Caicos – you can still get in there with just a driver’s license….It may not be far enough south but it’s better than sitting in the middle of a radioactive plume.
注: もし原子力事故が起こってしまい有効なカナダのパスポートがなければ、トロントまで横断することができます。そして、トロントからタークス・カイコス諸島(イギリス領)へ飛べばよいのです。車の免許証だけでたどり着けます。十分南ではないかもしれませんが、放射性プルームの只中に佇んでいるよりは良いのです。
2. Get any necessary visas
We will use Ecuador as an example – it is the country we chose.
If you travel in Ecuador for 3 months or less, you do not need a visa. But if you go to Ecuador because of a nuclear accident, you may not be able to return to home for a while. If you don’t already have a visa, after 3 months you would have to return to Canada to apply to emigrate to Ecuador . As we don’t know if it would be safe to return to Canada within 3 months, it seems prudent to get your visas in place now, while you have time. Once your paperwork is in order, then you can apply to emigrate from within Ecuador and you would not have to return to Canada .
Note: we have only concentrated on Ecuador because we have been told that it is relatively easy and inexpensive to get into Ecuador . There are many other places in the Southern Hemisphere and we encourage you to check them out. We only outline the steps for getting into Ecuador, because that is the country we took the time to pursue.
注: エクアドルに入るのが比較的簡単で費用がかからないと言われたので、ここではエクアドルにだけ言及しています。
It is quite easy to get a 6 months visa to
First, make an appointment with the Consulate General of Ecuador. In Vancouver , B.C. it is Etienne Walter
まず、エクアドルのバンクーバー総領事、Etienne Walterにアポイントを取りましょう。
You will need to take with you:
-$30 for the application fee
30ドル 申請料
-$200 for the visa
200ドル ビザ代
-$50 – additional for a spouse and other dependants
50ドル 配偶者、扶養家族一人当たりの追加料金
- marriage certificate (if applying as a couple)
結婚証明書 (夫婦で申請する場合)
- proof that you have $1000/month income
- Canadian passport
- 2 photos each taken at London Drugs (standard passport size)
カナダパスポートサイズの一人当たり写真2枚 (ロンドンドラックで可)
- proof of your intention to return – this can be as simple as printing out an online request for a return ticket to Ecuador (even if you haven’t actually booked it).
If you take all those items to the meeting, you will get an immediate stamp on your passport allowing you to stay for 6 months in Ecuador . This 6 month doesn’t start until you step foot in Ecuador . So you can have the visa ready and only use it when you have to go.
The price may fluctuate but the application cost us $30 and the visa cost about $200. An additional $50 was for the spouse. Total $280.
As a second step, you can set yourself up to be able to live permanently in
- Original Birth certificate
- Police certificate – from RCMP “e” Division Headquarters 5255 Heather Street , Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1K6
- Original Marriage certificate
You need to get them each notarized by your lawyer or notary.
Then, take the notarized copies to either the
Law Society (if the lawyer did it)
Society of Notaries (if the notary does it)
Finally, take these notarized and authenticated copies take to the Ecuadorian Consul he will put his stamp on them and sign them. The Consul charged us very little for the stamps - about $5/copy.
Be sure to pack these in your evacuation bag – you will need them in Ecuador if the fallout is so bad that you cannot come back. With this paperwork, you will be able to use them for permanent residency status without having to go back to Canada . These papers will give you the ability to invest $25,000 in land or property in Ecuador so that you can become a permanent resident.
Note: This is the condition as of today (May, 2013). Please contact Consulate General of Ecuador for the most updated information.
注: これは2013年5月現在の条件です。最新情報については、エクアドル総領事館に連絡してください。
3. Sit down and discuss the plan ahead of time with everyone in your family before any nuclear event happens. Not everyone will agree to the plan. But it is good to tell them that you have a plan and where you plan to set up the radiation-free compound. Everyone may not leave immediately, but if you set it up, over time they will come once they start to realize the health consequences of living in a contaminated area.
4. Once the nuclear catastrophe has occurred:
Because you have stocked up on two weeks worth of food and water, you can seal up your house and stay inside for a few days without going out.
ü Seal up your windows,
ü turn on all the hepa fans,
ü eat your safe stored food,
ü book your flight
ü pack - including the P100 or N99 masks for the plane,
---see step 6 - 8.
---see Step 11
5. If the plume is heading your way, have everyone in your family take one Potassium Iodide pill before the plume hits. Get out the vitamin C, Apple Pectin and Zeolite and any other anti-radiation supplements you have collected.
プルームが自分のいるところに向かっていたら、プルームが到達する前にヨウ素剤を服用しましょう。集めておいたビタミン、アップルペクチン、ゼオライト、その他抗放射能サプルメントを取り出しましょう。---see Step 11
6. Check your Geiger counter regularly,
---See Step 5
---See Step 5
7. Talk to your family members and make the decision when to GO!
Stay calm and carry on!"
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